Wednesday, September 17, 2008

When being young has it's disadvantages

Lately, knitting has come to a slight halt due to the many important decisions you have to make at the age of 20. I've decided that I don't want to study business and economics. At least not at the school that I was attending. So now I've got about 6 months to make up my mind whether I want to do Pre-med, Nursing or go back to Business but at a different school. I'm thinking about setteling with Nursing, because I am really bad at chem and math but as a nurse I could also decrease the time I spend in med-school if I want to AND there will be no problem getting a job part-time that will fit my schedule.

The other reason that I havn't been knitting much is that I just recently covered the back of my right arm in second degree burns. Luckily only a small portion of my skin is open and the rest is content with slight blistering. Thanks to lots of pain killers and bandages I am able to type and work a little but not enough to finish anything I want. Next to the pain of the burn, I never realized that the healing takes so much energy! I've been taking a 3 hour nap every day!

But before my burn accident, I managed to start a pair of crochet lace gloves for Sytze's Beppe. I liked the so much that I have started my own now. They remind me of the gloves my mother bought me for my first communion. I actually think that it's the same pattern but I remember that they were starched to no extent!

In the mean while, the doctor says that I should be back to normal in 2-3 weeks. In that time, I think I'm going to look into felting thanks to Kat from "Lets Knit2gether"! Btw: I'm a big fan and love watching. I think it's mainly because living in Europe I've had issues finding things like sheep and wool festivals. I've got all kinds of patterns lined up on Ravelry and am going to figure out how to felt in my side loading washing machine (the pirks of Europe). But today I have to day off, so I'm off to the LYS here in Wageningen to see what I can find.

Much love and I promise to be back soon (with pictures)!

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