Friday, October 10, 2008

The trouble with the Swallow Tail Shawl

Hi Everyone!

This is just a quick update on how far I have gotten and what I have been up to (I know it's insane that I have managed to update twice this month!)

So far I have gotten through the body of the swallow tail shawl. Now I am working on the edging and noticing that something has gone terribly wrong. I am on the second row of the shawl and I have way too little stitches. I am missing four on one side and three on the other. I'm going to have to rip back (too bad I didn't throw myself a lifeline...

I am stuck on my fawks socks, because I am obsessed with the shawl. I think it's a good idea to keep them on the needles for now, because the shawl can sometimes need a break (like now).

I've been busy with the moving thing. I have no idea how I am going to transport my stash, since I have used the moving containers for the kitchen stuff. I think I'll have to go out and buy some new boxes for my stash :-( That of course cuts into my budget. We'll see how far I get.

Anyways, once I get the pictures takes for the furniture that I am going to sell, I'll try to get the pictures up from my knitting!

Much love,

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